Multimodal Interaction in Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision

  •  Project Coordinator(s):
  •  Funding: Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (Consolider Ingenio 2010)
  •  Reference:: CSD2007-00018
  •  Budget: €
  •  Period: From 2007-10-01 to 2012-09-30
  •  Date: October 1, 2007
Social and industrial demands for Multimodal Interactive (MI) technologies and advanced man-machine interfaces are increasing dramatically. Pattern Recognition (PR) and Computer Vision (CV) play a highly relevant role of in the development of these MI technologies and interfaces. However, traditional PR and CV technologies have mainly focused on full automation, even though full automation often proves elusive or unnatural in many applications, where technology is expected to assist rather than replace the human agents. MIPRCV establishes a five-years research programme to develop PR and CV approaches that explicitly deal with the challenges and opportunities entailed by the human-interaction paradigm. Based on these approaches, it also aims at implementing actual systems and prototypes for a number of important MI applications. The ultimate goal is to show how existing PR and CV technologies can naturally evolve to help the development of advanced multi-modal interactive systems that will realize the long standing promises of a seamless synergy between persons and machines.