Degree & Master Projects

Desarrollo de técnicas para el reconocimiento automático de manuscritos de partituras musicales

June 12, 2020

This end-of-degree work aims to study the general situation of optical music recognition with the aim of trying to improve an already existing tool for real-time symbol labelling for musicologists. From four fragments contained in a 17th century manuscript corpus and using image processing and automatic learning techniques, an incremental classification system has been designed […]

ReadSco: Open-Source Web-based Optical Music Recognition Tool

In the project, we will develop an official OMR recognition pipeline and establish a service architecture that will allow our purpose of uniting the community. Also, we will develop an application so that users have the opportunity to perform music recognition efficiently. In the following chapters of this report, we will discuss state of the […]

Analysis and Development of a musical app

September 26, 2018

In this work we will explain how to design and implement a musical application based on a preconceived idea and artistic design. For this, a methodology used today will be carried out with well differentiated phases: Idea / Proposal, Functional Analysis, Technical Analysis, Development and Testing. The software is a musical application based on the […]

Development of tools for acoustic analysis of bowed string instruments

September 13, 2018

In this project we focus on the family of bowed string instruments, whose sound depends on a wide variety of physical parameters, such as resonance frequencies, Chladni patterns, wood density, string tension and structure, speed of propagation, etc. We will study how the luthiers handle all these parameters in the process of creation of the […]

Estudio de sistemas de transcripción automática para la flauta

September 11, 2018

In this work, we try to adapt algorithms that extract musical information from an audio file to the case of a particular instrument. The main objective is the study of systems to help the automatic transcription of digitalized music. Currently, these techniques cover a generic sound timbre, so they are applicable to sounds of any […]

Building a ground-truth corpus for optical music recognition research

July 9, 2018

Optical Music Recognition is the branch of artificial intelligence that develops systems that are able to extract the musical content of an image from a musical score and transcribe it into a format that allows it to be easily processed by a computer. The tendency for the development of these systems is to use automatic […]

Automatic music transcription using neural networks

June 18, 2018

The use of artificial intelligence to solve problems that were not previously viable is growing exponentially. One of these problems is obtaining the musical notes (the music score) given a song in audio format. This task has a high complexity due to the large number of notes that can be played at the same time […]

Virtual MIDI platform

September 15, 2017

This work focuses on the connection between HTML5 and Csound languages. Initially we will investigate current layout techniques and user experience. A prototype will be realized that will allow to experience the acquired knowledge and to demonstrate the possibilities offered by this connection. The development of this prototype has followed a process that goes from […]

Tools for music automatic transcription: onset detection

During this project will be carried out the process of porting the detection engine of onsets developed by Antonio Pertusa in C ++ to Java language. For this it will be necessary to describe and specify the algorithm used, implement the engine and later an evaluation will be made comparing the efficiency of the program […]

Computer-assisted music composition

The algorithmic composition uses very diverse techniques to obtain musical works generated by formal processes. One of them is to compose sequences of notes based on the probabilities that a given note is preceded by another, a technique known as Markov Chain. These probabilities can be estimated from examples of compositions. More recent versions of […]