Technologies for interactive music learning /Tecnologías interactivas para el aprendizaje de música

  •  Project Coordinator(s): José Manuel Iñesta
  •  Funding: Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad
  •  Reference:: TIN2013-48152-C2-1-R
  •  Budget: 101250€
  •  Period: From 01/09/2014 to 31/12/2017
  •  Date: September 1, 2014
  • Web:
  • Jorge Calera Rubio
  • Jorge Calvo-Zaragoza
  • Javier Gallego
  • María Concepción Hontanilla Alfonso
  • Plácido Illescas Casanova
  • María Luisa Micó
  • Jose Oncina
  • Pedro José Ponce de León
  • Carlos Pérez
  • Antonio Pertusa
  • Rafael Ramírez
  • Juan Ramón Rico
  • David Rizo
  • José Javier Valero Mas
The main aim of the project is to study how we learn music performance from a pedagogical and scientific perspective and to create new assistive, multimodal, interactive, and social-aware systems complementary to traditional teaching. The general objectives of the project are: (1) to design and implement new multi-modal interaction paradigms for music learning and training based on state-of-the-art audio processing, music analysis and pattern recognition techniques, (2) to evaluate from a pedagogical point of view the effectiveness of such new paradigms, (3) based on the evaluation results, to develop new multimodal interactive music learning prototypes for student-teacher, student only, and collaborative learning scenarios, and (4) to create a publicly available reference database of music recordings with multimodal information for cooperative learning. The results of the project will serve as a basis for the development of next generation music learning systems, thereby improving on current student-teacher interaction, student-only practice, and furthermore providing the potential to make music education accessible to a substantially wider public.