Handwritten Spanish Music Heritage Preservation by Automatic Transcription

  •  Project Coordinator(s): José Manuel Iñesta , Pedro José Ponce de León
  •  Funding: Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades
  •  Reference:: TIN2017-86576-R
  •  Budget: 80259.04€
  •  Period: From 01/01/2018 to 30/09/2021
  •  Date: January 1, 2018
  • Web: https://grfia.dlsi.ua.es/hispamus/
  • David Rizo
  • Jorge Calvo-Zaragoza
  • María Luisa Micó
  • Jose Oncina
  • Carlos Pérez
  • Antonio Pertusa
  • Juan Ramón Rico
  • María Concepción Hontanilla Alfonso
The HISPAMUS proposal aims at valorizing the Hispanic music heritage from the 15th to the 19th centuries, by exploiting the digital resources of music collections. HISPAMUS will try to provide smart access to archival manuscripts of music scores, allowing its reuse and exploitation. The project aims at generating the software tools needed to convert manuscript score images to a modern digital format, like MEI/MusicXML, ready to render modern notation scores, readable by a contemporary musician, and allowing the public to enjoy and search into the digital contents of these works, either as a musicologist or as a musician.