
MuRET online at CMMR2023 in Tokyo

November 20, 2023

Our OMR research tool was presented in its online version in Tokyo at Computer Music and Multidisciplinary Research (CMMR 2023) both as a demo and as an oral paper presentation.

polifonIA presented at the Biblioteca Nacional de España

David Rizo presented on November 8th, 2023, the polifonIA project at the workshop on “Libraries, data, artificial intelligence: the new routes of knowledge” – “Bibliotecas, datos, inteligencia artificial: las nuevas rutas del conocimiento” in the Biblioteca Nacional de España at the National Library of Spain (BNE). The presentation was streamed live on Youtube.

Maria Alfaro’s PhD defense

September 23, 2023

On Friday, September 22, it took place the defense of Maria Alfaro‘s doctoral thesis entitled “New Approaches to Optical Music Recognition” supervised by Dr. Jose M. Iñesta and Dr. Jorge Calvo. The thesis received the highest score by the committee. The doctoral student was accompanied by her family and colleagues. Congratulations Maria!

Paper presented at Joint MEC and TEI conference 2023

September 8, 2023

The work “Encoding in human centered machine learning workflows: case study on mensural ligature recognition”, by David Rizo, Jorge Calvo-Zaragoza, Juan Carlos Martínez-Sevilla, Antonio Madueño, Patricia García-Iasci, and Teresa Delgado-Sánchez has been presented by David Rizo at the Paper presented at the Joint MEC and TEI conference: Encoding Cultures Conference in Paderborn.

Summer conferences

August 24, 2023

During this summer, key members of our research group participated in several academic conferences, where they presented research in the intersection of music and technology. David Rizo, in collaboration with Teresa Delgado (AEDOM / BNE), showcased our work “Self-organization of sheet music through graphical patterns” at the International Association of Music Libraries (IAML) conference. The […]

prAig workshop 2023

July 21, 2023

The prAig workshop 2023 took place on July, 21st. The head of the group commented on the novelties and the scientific production of the year. Several members of the group presented their recent research on topics ranging from music transcription to computer vision.

Papers accepted at ISMIR 2023

June 20, 2023

Three papers from our group has been accepted at the 24th conference of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR): The conference will take place on November, 5-9th in Milan (Italy).

Papers accepted at GREC2023

May 29, 2023

Two papers from our group has been accepted at the 15th International Workshop on Graphics Recognition (GREC): The workshop will take place on August, 24th in San Jose (EEUU), co-located with ICDAR 2023.