MirBot app (www.mirbot.com) for interactive image recognition is…
August 16, 2012
MirBot app (www.mirbot.com) for interactive image recognition is available at the Apple App Store
MirBot app (www.mirbot.com) for interactive image recognition is available at the Apple App Store
New paper presented: Bresson, J. and Prez-Sancho, C. "New Framework for Score Segmentation and Analysis in OpenMusic". In Sound and Music Computing Conference (SMC 2012)
New special issue edited: Nicola Orio, Andreas Rauber and David Rizo. International Journal on Digital Libraries. Focused Issue on Music DLs
new paper presented: Bernabeu, Calera-Rubio, Iesta and Rizo: "Query Parsing Using Probabilistic Tree Grammars". In: 5th Music and Machine Learning Workhsop, MML 2012.
New paper accepted: Damin Lpppez, J. Calera-Rubio and J. Gallego-Snchez. "Grammatical inference of k-testable graph languages". In International Conference on Grammatical Inference (ICGI 2012)
New project granted in the PROMETEO program: "Exploiting feedback in interactive pattern recognition tasks and its application to digital music". Jose Oncina
New paper accepted: Bernabeu, Calera-Rubio, Iesta and Rizo: "Query Parsing Using Probabilistic Tree Grammars". In: 5th Music and Machine Learning Workhsop, MML 2012.
New paper accepted: Bresson, J. and Prez-Sancho, C. "New Framework for Score Segmentation and Analysis in OpenMusic". In Sound and Music Computing Conference (SMC 2012)
New paper accepted: Rico-Juan, J.R. and Inesta, J.M. "Confidence voting method ensemble applied to off-line signature verification". In journal Pattern Analysis and Applications.
new paper published: A. Pertusa and J,.M. Iesta. "Efficient methods for joint estimation of multiple fundamental frequencies in music signals". EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, 2012:27