Identification of DFA: data-dependent versus data-independent algorithms Journal Article
In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science - Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, vol. 1147, pp. 313-325, 1996.
Using domain information during the learning of a subsequential transducer Journal Article
In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science - Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, pp. 313-325, 1996.
Local symmetries of digital contours from their chain codes Journal Article
In: Pattern Recognition, vol. 29, pp. 1737-1749, 1996.
Criterios para la automatización de la caracterización morfométrica de la proyección axial de vértebras humanas Proceedings Article
In: XVI Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Española de Anatomía, Santiago, Spain, 1995.
Localización automática de los ejes de referencia en imágenes de la proyección axial de vértebras aisladas Proceedings Article
In: XVI Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Española de Anatomía, Santiago, Spain, 1995.
Técnicas de análisis digital de imagen para el estudio de la morfología de los pedículos de piezas verebrales humanas Proceedings Article
In: XVI Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Española de Anatomía, Santiago, Spain, 1995.
On the Possibility of Objective Identification of Human Vertebrae Through Pattern Recognition Algorithms Proceedings Article
In: Fifth Int. Conf. on Image Processing and its Applications, pp. 148–152, IEE Edinburgh (UK), 1995, ISBN: 0-85296-642-3.
Testing the linear approximating and eliminating search algorithm in handwritten character recognition tasks Proceedings Article
In: VI Spanish Symposium on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, AERFAI - Asociación Española de Reconocimiento de Formas y Análisis de Imágenes, Córdoba, Spain, 1995.
Computation of Fourier Descriptors from Polygonal Curves Proceedings Article
In: Calvo, A.; Medina, R. (Ed.): Proceedings of the V Spanish Symposium on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, AERFAI Córdoba, 1995, ISBN: 84-605-2447-7.
A simple algorithm to evaluate the local symmetry at each point of a closed contour Journal Article
In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science - Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, vol. 790, pp. 448-455, 1995.
Software tools for using a personal computer as a timer device to assess human kinematic performance: a case study Journal Article
In: Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, vol. 47, pp. 257-265, 1995.
A new criterion for approximating in a recent version with linear preprocessing of the AESA algorithm Book Chapter
In: Advances in pattern recognition and applications, Chapter -, pp. 11, World Scientific Publishing, 1995.
Detección de puntos dominantes en contornos por medio de redes neuronales Proceedings Article
In: Actas de la VI Conferencia de la Asociación Española para la Inteligencia Artificial, pp. 301–310, AEPIA, Alicante (Spain), 1995.
El uso de herramientas de inteligencia artificial en el estudio de la nutrición humana Proceedings Article
In: Aldeguer, R. Rizo; Chamizo, J. M. García (Ed.): Transferencia Tecnológica de I. A. a Industria, Medicina y Aplicaciones Sociales, pp. 77-86, AEPIA, Alicante, Spain, 1995, ISBN: 84-920982-1-X.
Algoritmos de Visión Artificial y de Reconocimiento de Patrones para el Estudio Morfométrico del Eje Raquídeo Humano PhD Thesis
1994, ISBN: 84-370-2064-6.
A Fast and Precise Way for Computation of Moments for Morphometry in Medical Images Proceedings Article
In: Hernández-Sande, C.; Hermida-Domínguez, R. C.; Arias-Rodríguez, J. E. (Ed.): Proceedings of the V int. Symposium on Biomedical Engineering, pp. 1–2, Santiago de Compostela, 1994, ISBN: 84-600-8981-9.
Corpus-Based Machine Translation through Subsequential Transducers Proceedings Article
In: 3rd International Conference on the Cognitive Science of Natural Language Processing, Dublin, Irlanda, 1994.
An Algorithm to Objectively Assess Vertebral Scoliosis from Geometric Features Proceedings Article
In: Proceedings of the Leeds Annual Statistical Research Workshop., University of Leeds Leeds, UK, 1994.
Stopping power of slow-velocity ions in solids: inhomogeneous electron gas model Journal Article
In: Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactio, pp. 137-141, 1994.
Establishing the anaerobic threshold using respiratory gases, and assessing lactate, pH and blood gases Journal Article
In: Blood Gas News, vol. 3, pp. 11-14, 1994.
In: Pattern Recognition Letters, vol. 15, pp. 9-17, 1994.
Learning Stochastic Regular Grammars by Means of a State Merging Method Journal Article
In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science - Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, vol. 862, pp. 130-152, 1994.
Grammatical Inference and Applications Book
Springer-Verlag, Berlín, 1994, ISBN: 3-540-58473-0.
Spoken-Language Machine Translation in Limited-Domain Tasks Proceedings Article
In: Proceedings in Artificial Intelligence: CRIM/FORWISS Workshop on Progress and Prospects of Speech Research and Technology, pp. 262-265, 1994.
Learning Subsequential Transducers for Pattern Recognition Interpretation Tasks Journal Article
In: Ieee Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 15, no. 5, pp. 448-458, 1993.
Multiple-scattering effects in the stopping power of slow clusters Journal Article
In: Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactio, pp. 62-65, 1993.
Z1 and Z2 oscillations in the energy loss of slow ions: inhomogeneous electron gas model Book Chapter
In: Ionization Of Solids by Heavy Particles, Chapter -, pp. 160, Plenum Press, New York, 1993.
Aprendizaje de gramáticas regulares estocásticas mediante un método de fusión de estados Book Chapter
In: Actas de la V Conferencia de la Asociación Española para la Inteligencia Artifcial, Chapter -, AEPIA, 1993.
Learning regular languages from a complete sample by error correcting techniques Proceedings Article
In: Gramatical inference theory, applications and alternatives (1993), Essex, Reino Unido, 1993.
Umbral anaeróbico establecido mediante gases respiratorios y obtención de lactato, pH y gases en sangre, comparación entre métodos en un grupo de jóvenes ciclistas de élite nacional Proceedings Article
In: V Congreso de la Federación Española de Medicina del Deporte, Pamplona, Spain, 1993.
Geometric Algorithms for Feature Labelling in Vertegrae Images Proceedings Article
In: Hernández-Sande, C.; Hermida-Domínguez, R. C.; Arias-Rodríguez, J. E. (Ed.): Proceedings of the V int. Symposium on Biomedical Engineering, pp. 99–100, Santiago de Compostela, 1992, ISBN: 84-600-8981-9.
An algorithm for finding nearest neighbours in constant average time with a linear space complexity Proceedings Article
In: 11th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Den Haag, Holanda, 1992.
Transducer Learning on Pattern Recognition Proceedings Article
In: 11th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Den Haag, Holanda, 1992.
Nuevos criterios para la aproximación en una reciente versión con prepocesamiento lineal del algoritmo AESA Proceedings Article
In: V Simposium Nacional de Reconocimiento de Formas y Análisis de Imagen, Valencia, Spain, 1992.
Identifying regular languages in polynomial time Book Chapter
In: Advances in Structural and Syntactic Pattern Recognition, Chapter -, World Scientific Publishing, 1992.
Inferring regular languages in polynomial update time Book Chapter
In: Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, Chapter -, World Scientific Publishing, 1992.
Electron excitations by slow ions in metals Journal Article
In: Surface Science, vol. 251, pp. 136-139, 1991.
Slow-ion-induced single excitations in an electron-gas Journal Article
In: Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids, vol. 117, pp. 173-183, 1991.
On the use of negative samples in the MGGI methodology and its application for difficult vocabulary recognition tasks Journal Article
In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science - Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 1991.
Diseño, construcción y validación de un equipo computerizado para el análisis de tiempos de reacción y ejecución en gestos deportivos de alta velocidad Proceedings Article
In: Proc. of IV Congreso de la Federación Española de Medicina del Deporte, FEMEDE, Barcelona, Spain, 1991.
Werner Brandt Workshop on the Interaction of Charged Particle with Matter Proceedings Article
In: 14th International Conference on Atomic Collisions in Solids, Salford, Reino Unido, 1991.
Learning Locally Testable Languages in the Strict Sense Proceedings Article
In: Workshop on Algorithmic Learning Theory (ATL 90), Tokio, January, 1990.
Electronic Excitations in an Electron Gas Proceedings Article
In: 11th European Conference on Surface Science (ECOSS), Salamanca, 1990.
Non-Linear Calculations of Charged-Particle Electron Excitations in an Electron Gas Proceedings Article
In: 13th Werner Brandt Workshop on the Interaction of Charged Particle with Matter, Nara, Japón, 1990.
Inferring Regular Languages form Positive and Negative Examples Proceedings Article
In: Summer School on Machine Learning, Urbino, Italia, 1989.
La evaluación de la condición física por ordenador: Eurofit Book
Ed. General ASDE, Valencia, 1989, ISBN: 84-404-6263-8.
Un analizador sintáctico eficiente para frases de símbolos alternativos Proceedings Article
In: III Simposium Nacional de Reconocimiento de Formas y Análisis de Imagen, Oviedo, Spain, 1988.
Un algoritmo de inferencia de lenguajes regulares usando datos positivos y negativos Proceedings Article
In: IV Simposium Nacional de Reconocimiento de Formas y Análisis de Imagen, Granada, Spain, 0000.
Aportaciones a la mejora de la eficiencia de la búsqueda del vecino más cercano PhD Thesis
Identification of DFA: data-dependent versus data-independent algorithms Journal Article
In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science - Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, vol. 1147, pp. 313-325, 1996.
Using domain information during the learning of a subsequential transducer Journal Article
In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science - Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, pp. 313-325, 1996.
Local symmetries of digital contours from their chain codes Journal Article
In: Pattern Recognition, vol. 29, pp. 1737-1749, 1996.
Criterios para la automatización de la caracterización morfométrica de la proyección axial de vértebras humanas Proceedings Article
In: XVI Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Española de Anatomía, Santiago, Spain, 1995.
Localización automática de los ejes de referencia en imágenes de la proyección axial de vértebras aisladas Proceedings Article
In: XVI Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Española de Anatomía, Santiago, Spain, 1995.
Técnicas de análisis digital de imagen para el estudio de la morfología de los pedículos de piezas verebrales humanas Proceedings Article
In: XVI Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Española de Anatomía, Santiago, Spain, 1995.
On the Possibility of Objective Identification of Human Vertebrae Through Pattern Recognition Algorithms Proceedings Article
In: Fifth Int. Conf. on Image Processing and its Applications, pp. 148–152, IEE Edinburgh (UK), 1995, ISBN: 0-85296-642-3.
Testing the linear approximating and eliminating search algorithm in handwritten character recognition tasks Proceedings Article
In: VI Spanish Symposium on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, AERFAI - Asociación Española de Reconocimiento de Formas y Análisis de Imágenes, Córdoba, Spain, 1995.
Computation of Fourier Descriptors from Polygonal Curves Proceedings Article
In: Calvo, A.; Medina, R. (Ed.): Proceedings of the V Spanish Symposium on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, AERFAI Córdoba, 1995, ISBN: 84-605-2447-7.
A simple algorithm to evaluate the local symmetry at each point of a closed contour Journal Article
In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science - Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, vol. 790, pp. 448-455, 1995.
Software tools for using a personal computer as a timer device to assess human kinematic performance: a case study Journal Article
In: Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, vol. 47, pp. 257-265, 1995.
A new criterion for approximating in a recent version with linear preprocessing of the AESA algorithm Book Chapter
In: Advances in pattern recognition and applications, Chapter -, pp. 11, World Scientific Publishing, 1995.
Detección de puntos dominantes en contornos por medio de redes neuronales Proceedings Article
In: Actas de la VI Conferencia de la Asociación Española para la Inteligencia Artificial, pp. 301–310, AEPIA, Alicante (Spain), 1995.
El uso de herramientas de inteligencia artificial en el estudio de la nutrición humana Proceedings Article
In: Aldeguer, R. Rizo; Chamizo, J. M. García (Ed.): Transferencia Tecnológica de I. A. a Industria, Medicina y Aplicaciones Sociales, pp. 77-86, AEPIA, Alicante, Spain, 1995, ISBN: 84-920982-1-X.
Algoritmos de Visión Artificial y de Reconocimiento de Patrones para el Estudio Morfométrico del Eje Raquídeo Humano PhD Thesis
1994, ISBN: 84-370-2064-6.
A Fast and Precise Way for Computation of Moments for Morphometry in Medical Images Proceedings Article
In: Hernández-Sande, C.; Hermida-Domínguez, R. C.; Arias-Rodríguez, J. E. (Ed.): Proceedings of the V int. Symposium on Biomedical Engineering, pp. 1–2, Santiago de Compostela, 1994, ISBN: 84-600-8981-9.
Corpus-Based Machine Translation through Subsequential Transducers Proceedings Article
In: 3rd International Conference on the Cognitive Science of Natural Language Processing, Dublin, Irlanda, 1994.
An Algorithm to Objectively Assess Vertebral Scoliosis from Geometric Features Proceedings Article
In: Proceedings of the Leeds Annual Statistical Research Workshop., University of Leeds Leeds, UK, 1994.
Stopping power of slow-velocity ions in solids: inhomogeneous electron gas model Journal Article
In: Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactio, pp. 137-141, 1994.
Establishing the anaerobic threshold using respiratory gases, and assessing lactate, pH and blood gases Journal Article
In: Blood Gas News, vol. 3, pp. 11-14, 1994.
In: Pattern Recognition Letters, vol. 15, pp. 9-17, 1994.
Learning Stochastic Regular Grammars by Means of a State Merging Method Journal Article
In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science - Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, vol. 862, pp. 130-152, 1994.
Grammatical Inference and Applications Book
Springer-Verlag, Berlín, 1994, ISBN: 3-540-58473-0.
Spoken-Language Machine Translation in Limited-Domain Tasks Proceedings Article
In: Proceedings in Artificial Intelligence: CRIM/FORWISS Workshop on Progress and Prospects of Speech Research and Technology, pp. 262-265, 1994.
Learning Subsequential Transducers for Pattern Recognition Interpretation Tasks Journal Article
In: Ieee Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 15, no. 5, pp. 448-458, 1993.
Multiple-scattering effects in the stopping power of slow clusters Journal Article
In: Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactio, pp. 62-65, 1993.
Z1 and Z2 oscillations in the energy loss of slow ions: inhomogeneous electron gas model Book Chapter
In: Ionization Of Solids by Heavy Particles, Chapter -, pp. 160, Plenum Press, New York, 1993.
Aprendizaje de gramáticas regulares estocásticas mediante un método de fusión de estados Book Chapter
In: Actas de la V Conferencia de la Asociación Española para la Inteligencia Artifcial, Chapter -, AEPIA, 1993.
Learning regular languages from a complete sample by error correcting techniques Proceedings Article
In: Gramatical inference theory, applications and alternatives (1993), Essex, Reino Unido, 1993.
Umbral anaeróbico establecido mediante gases respiratorios y obtención de lactato, pH y gases en sangre, comparación entre métodos en un grupo de jóvenes ciclistas de élite nacional Proceedings Article
In: V Congreso de la Federación Española de Medicina del Deporte, Pamplona, Spain, 1993.
Geometric Algorithms for Feature Labelling in Vertegrae Images Proceedings Article
In: Hernández-Sande, C.; Hermida-Domínguez, R. C.; Arias-Rodríguez, J. E. (Ed.): Proceedings of the V int. Symposium on Biomedical Engineering, pp. 99–100, Santiago de Compostela, 1992, ISBN: 84-600-8981-9.
An algorithm for finding nearest neighbours in constant average time with a linear space complexity Proceedings Article
In: 11th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Den Haag, Holanda, 1992.
Transducer Learning on Pattern Recognition Proceedings Article
In: 11th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Den Haag, Holanda, 1992.
Nuevos criterios para la aproximación en una reciente versión con prepocesamiento lineal del algoritmo AESA Proceedings Article
In: V Simposium Nacional de Reconocimiento de Formas y Análisis de Imagen, Valencia, Spain, 1992.
Identifying regular languages in polynomial time Book Chapter
In: Advances in Structural and Syntactic Pattern Recognition, Chapter -, World Scientific Publishing, 1992.
Inferring regular languages in polynomial update time Book Chapter
In: Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, Chapter -, World Scientific Publishing, 1992.
Electron excitations by slow ions in metals Journal Article
In: Surface Science, vol. 251, pp. 136-139, 1991.
Slow-ion-induced single excitations in an electron-gas Journal Article
In: Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids, vol. 117, pp. 173-183, 1991.
On the use of negative samples in the MGGI methodology and its application for difficult vocabulary recognition tasks Journal Article
In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science - Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 1991.
Diseño, construcción y validación de un equipo computerizado para el análisis de tiempos de reacción y ejecución en gestos deportivos de alta velocidad Proceedings Article
In: Proc. of IV Congreso de la Federación Española de Medicina del Deporte, FEMEDE, Barcelona, Spain, 1991.
Werner Brandt Workshop on the Interaction of Charged Particle with Matter Proceedings Article
In: 14th International Conference on Atomic Collisions in Solids, Salford, Reino Unido, 1991.
Learning Locally Testable Languages in the Strict Sense Proceedings Article
In: Workshop on Algorithmic Learning Theory (ATL 90), Tokio, January, 1990.
Electronic Excitations in an Electron Gas Proceedings Article
In: 11th European Conference on Surface Science (ECOSS), Salamanca, 1990.
Non-Linear Calculations of Charged-Particle Electron Excitations in an Electron Gas Proceedings Article
In: 13th Werner Brandt Workshop on the Interaction of Charged Particle with Matter, Nara, Japón, 1990.
Inferring Regular Languages form Positive and Negative Examples Proceedings Article
In: Summer School on Machine Learning, Urbino, Italia, 1989.
La evaluación de la condición física por ordenador: Eurofit Book
Ed. General ASDE, Valencia, 1989, ISBN: 84-404-6263-8.
Un analizador sintáctico eficiente para frases de símbolos alternativos Proceedings Article
In: III Simposium Nacional de Reconocimiento de Formas y Análisis de Imagen, Oviedo, Spain, 1988.
Un algoritmo de inferencia de lenguajes regulares usando datos positivos y negativos Proceedings Article
In: IV Simposium Nacional de Reconocimiento de Formas y Análisis de Imagen, Granada, Spain, 0000.
Aportaciones a la mejora de la eficiencia de la búsqueda del vecino más cercano PhD Thesis